Thursday, April 22, 2010

Lignon Hill

Lignon Hill (pronounced as li-nyon) is situated near the airport, and is a zigzag drive around it till you reach the top. It gives a nice view of Mayon Volcano, the Gulf of Albay, Legazpi City, and the domestic airport just below it.

The hill stands at 156 meters tall, and although some say it can be walked from the foot of the hill all the way up - I strongly not encourage it. With the heat, and the steep slopes - It can be really tiring. I drove the car all the way up, and along the way - you would notice several attractions, including their own stations fo the cross. Entrance is free, although cars are prohibited from 5-9am and 4-6pm.

In the evenings, it gives a nice sight of Legazpi City by night. The zigzag road is well lit and the hill is very conspicuous from the city because of the lighted zigzag.

For the more athletic and adventurous, the hill offers a trail where you may wanna climb up using bamboo stairs along the slopes, instead of taking the road.

There is also a Japanese Tunnel located near the foot of the hill. A park marshall will guide through the U-shaped tunnel.

A Philvolcs Office is also situated from the foot of the hill. It was rocky drive up to it, and the personnel there continuously monitors the activity of Mount Mayon. A high powered telescope can be used to see magnified views of the volcano from this place.

At the peak of the hill is the view deck. Gives a magnificent view of Mount Mayon. Too bad the volcano was then covered with clouds. There is a place where you can have refreshments and buy souveneirs.

A zipline (more or less about 300 meters) is also available at the hill top. They also offer professional phototaking with you on the zipline with Mayon in the background.

It was already about 430pm and we decided to go down already, and try to see some other places the city has to offer.

At the foot of the hill, near the entance from the main road, is the Albay Park and Wildlife, which we didnt bother anymore to stop. There was no parking available.

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