Monday, April 19, 2010

Candelaria to Gumaca, Quezon

It was already 5am as we drove past the towns of Candelaria, Sariaya, Lucena, and Pagbilao. It would have been great to see these towns, and the old houses that line the streets. But I was informed that the traffic within these towns can get bad at times so I was in a bit of hurry not to get caught with the onslaught of people and vehicles as the these towns start to wake up from their night slumber.

The sun was already starting to peek when I got to the junction that leads to the Quezon National Park. From here - its either I turn left towards the longer and rougher roads or I go right and enter the park. I sort of have been dreaming about this place - I was anxious - I have read so much about the twists and turns of the zigzags within the park. Locals call the place EME, because the zigzags apparently look like the letter 'M'. As I drove through the park, it was like passing through Kennon Road in Benguet. The turns were manageable, but I went slow, just to be sure that I wont be caught with surprise. The place was nice - lush greens - ferns so big they look almost like trees. In the middle of the trek was the entrance to the park. I wanted to stop and take pictures but I decided to go on. There were people along the way who waved flags to guide vehicles to give each other rights of way, giving preference to those going up the zigzag. Giving them loose change is just one way to show appreciation of their help - I think they are just volunteers. Overall - the drive through the park was a breeze - not as bad as what I had expected. Except for the last part - it was a very steep drive down (I think its almost a 45 degrees slope) . Now I'm having second thoughts about passing through here on the way back to Manila.

The entire drive through the park took only all of 4 minutes! I was pretty surprised with that. The park is said to encompass the towns of Atimonan, Padre Burgos, and Plaridel.

As I reached Plaridel, the sun was already shining - and the view is just magnificent. It was already around 615am, and the coastal towns of Plaridel and Gumaca just gives you a glimpse of the shoreline overlooking Lamon Bay. Picture perfect! But again - I didnt bother to stop anymore - I don't know but I was preoccupied with the idea that I wanted to reach Legazpi City before sunset. But there is a stop-over area along these towns - just across the Bay. Restaurants and Carinderias line the place - lots of buses and vehicles stopping over for the mandatory stretch and the short trip to unload body fluids.

Around this time - the car radio won't be of use anymore. Local radio channels already lord it over the airwaves - time to put on cds. In my case - I had to plug my iPod and play tunes starting from Everything But The Girl and the rest of the 80's.

The odometer now reads 9,865km.
I've driven 169 km in more or less two hours.
Still a long way to go.

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